prijavi se ako želiš igru dodati među omiljene prijavite se za puni zaslon

The Impossible Quiz

Nemogući kviz

Sva pitanja su teška za odgovoriti i zahtijevaju lateralno razmišljanje. Imaš 110 pitanja za proći i samo tri života, stoga budi spreman razmišljati kreativno!

Autor: GamePix

Komentari na igru


51 samlevel idem dalje clap

Mrs. Bieber <3 Mrs. Bieber <3

Nemogu 15 :/

70wnage 70wnage

28. Abundance, A-bun-dance
29. Egg mayonaise
30. Same as 5, hold the left mouse button down
31. Woof. Woof. Woof.
32. Babycham and human faeces
33. 7
34. Move your mouse off screen
35. Wait for the green button
36. A walk
37. All of the answers are correct
38. Mary Rose
39. Cylindrical Adventures
40. Same as 5 and 30, hold your left mouse button down.
41. Afro
42. Its the 42'nd 42
43. Tom cruise

70wnage 70wnage

15. Horse
16. H
17. 17, click the question number
18. Hammer
19. Blue-Orange-Green-Green-Yellow
20. Seal
21. Top left box
22. 1 skip
23. Bran
24. Click the V in lives
25. Shoe polish
26. Arsefacey
?. Go to 28

KokicA!!!♦ KokicA!!!♦

hoce li mi iko reci kako 15?ohmy2

70wnage 70wnage

1. Four
2. No, but a tin can
3. K.O
4. Click the words "the answer" in the question.
5. Click and hold down the left mouse button to go over blue
6. Shallots
7. An elephant
8. Search! (under the letters S and E)
9. That one (top right box)
10. Choose food, Chews food. Your mouth chews food, so, the mouth
11. n
12. Click the dot on top of the "i"
13. F'TAANG!!!
14. Torch

VrAg_U_RaJu VrAg_U_RaJu

hmm.idem igrat da vidim kak je nemogućsmile_xd

KokicA!!!♦ KokicA!!!♦

15 je tezak mnogosweat

Tomislava123 Tomislava123

sta treba na 24.?

70wnage 70wnage

level 5 samo ideš okolo izvan prozora igre

70wnage 70wnage

kako 15?

KokicA!!!♦ KokicA!!!♦

kako 15?

KokicA!!!♦ KokicA!!!♦

stigao do 15. to je teskoohmy2unsuresweat


sta na 10 da kliknem


sta na 10 kliknuti


kako 10

Wizard Merlin Wizard Merlin

može se 5 nije nemoguceyes

KokicA!!!♦ KokicA!!!♦

lako ja stigao do 11 ili 10 lvl


proso 5 kako 6

┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

ohmy2 teska

Krle001 Krle001

sve se moze al 5 je nemoguce

MaTa 96 MaTa 96

glupost žešća

Croco Croco

ne možeš ju preć

19 medyyy 50 19 medyyy 50

bkt neznam ni jedno hahaha

Croco Croco

pre teška


Broj glasova: 929